Em posts recentes, ensinamos diversas técnicas de trading utilizando o Python, bem como também mostramos como utilizar o MetaTrader5 para a importação de dados de ativos financeiros e a realização de requisições de ordem e venda com a linguagem. No post de hoje, estaremos interessados em criar um ambiente automatizado, que pretende criar as requisições de acordo com os sinais de um sistema de trading em tempo real.
O objetivo será criar um ambiente totalmente automatizado, portanto, será necessário usar diversas opções de funções e métodos disponíveis na biblioteca MetaTrader 5 do Python, de forma que atenda os principais requisitos de criação de ordem e venda.
Iremos criar esse ambiente em uma classe definida com diversas funções em um arquivo .py. Após isso, utilizaremos um arquivo .ipnyb para definir o indicador utilizado, no caso, o RSI, para definir as ordens de compra e venda. Os dois arquivos são separados pelos blocos de código abaixo.
import MetaTrader5 as mt5 import pandas as pd import numpy as np from datetime import datetime class MT5: max_price = dict() min_price = dict() summary = None def get_ticks(symbol, number_of_data = 10000): # Data e horário atual from_date = datetime.now() # Extrai os ticks (instrumentos financeiros) ticks = mt5.copy_ticks_from(symbol, from_date, number_of_data, mt5.COPY_TICKS_ALL) # Transforma a tupla em data frame df_ticks = pd.DataFrame(ticks) # Converte a data em datetime df_ticks["time"] = pd.to_datetime(df_ticks["time"], unit="s") # Coloca a data no index df_ticks = df_ticks.set_index("time") return df_ticks def get_rates(symbol, number_of_data = 10000, timeframe=mt5.TIMEFRAME_D1): # Cria a data atual from_date = datetime.now() # Extrai os ticks (instrumentos financeiros) rates = mt5.copy_rates_from(symbol, timeframe, from_date, number_of_data) # Transforma a tupla em data frame df_rates = pd.DataFrame(rates) # Converte a data em datetime df_rates["time"] = pd.to_datetime(df_rates["time"], unit="s") # Coloca a data no index df_rates = df_rates.set_index("time") return df_rates def risk_reward_threshold(symbol, buy=True, risk=0.01, reward=0.02): # Extrai o leverage (alavancagem) leverage = mt5.account_info().leverage # Computa o preço price = mt5.symbol_info(symbol).ask # Extrai o número de decimais nb_decimal = str(price)[::-1].find(".") # Computa as variação em porcentagem var_down = risk/leverage var_up = reward/leverage # Acha o limite do TP e SL em preço absoluto if buy: price = mt5.symbol_info(symbol).ask # Computa as variações em preço absoluto price_var_down = var_down*price price_var_up = var_up * price tp = np.round(price + price_var_up, nb_decimal) sl = np.round(price - price_var_down, nb_decimal) else: price = mt5.symbol_info(symbol).bid # Computa as variações em preço absoluto price_var_down = var_down*price price_var_up = var_up * price tp = np.round(price - price_var_up, nb_decimal) sl = np.round(price + price_var_down, nb_decimal) return tp, sl def find_filling_mode(symbol): for i in range(2): request = { "action": mt5.TRADE_ACTION_DEAL, "symbol": symbol, "volume": mt5.symbol_info(symbol).volume_min, "type": mt5.ORDER_TYPE_BUY, "price": mt5.symbol_info_tick(symbol).ask, "type_filling": i, "type_time": mt5.ORDER_TIME_GTC} result = mt5.order_check(request) if result.comment == "Feito": break return i def send_order(symbol, lot, buy, sell, id_position=None, pct_tp=0.02, pct_sl=0.01, comment=" No specific comment", magic=0): # Inicializa o mt5 com o Python mt5.initialize() # Extrai o filling_mode filling_type = MT5.find_filling_mode(symbol) """ ABRE O TRADE """ if buy and id_position==None: tp, sl = MT5.risk_reward_threshold(symbol, buy=True, risk=pct_sl, reward=pct_tp) request = { "action": mt5.TRADE_ACTION_DEAL, "symbol": symbol, "volume": lot, "type": mt5.ORDER_TYPE_BUY, "price": mt5.symbol_info_tick(symbol).ask, "deviation": 10, "tp": tp, "sl": sl, "magic": magic, "comment": comment, "type_filling": filling_type, "type_time": mt5.ORDER_TIME_GTC} result = mt5.order_send(request) print(mt5.symbol_info_tick(symbol).ask, tp, sl) return result if sell and id_position==None: tp, sl = MT5.risk_reward_threshold(symbol, buy=False, risk=pct_sl, reward=pct_tp) request = { "action": mt5.TRADE_ACTION_DEAL, "symbol": symbol, "volume": lot, "type": mt5.ORDER_TYPE_SELL, "price": mt5.symbol_info_tick(symbol).bid, "deviation": 10, "tp": tp, "sl": sl, "magic": magic, "comment": comment, "type_filling": filling_type, "type_time": mt5.ORDER_TIME_GTC} result = mt5.order_send(request) print(mt5.symbol_info_tick(symbol).bid, tp, sl) return result """ FECHA O TRADE """ if buy and id_position!=None: request = { "position": id_position, "action": mt5.TRADE_ACTION_DEAL, "symbol": symbol, "volume": lot, "type": mt5.ORDER_TYPE_SELL, "price": mt5.symbol_info_tick(symbol).bid, "deviation": 10, "magic": magic, "comment": comment, "type_filling": filling_type, "type_time": mt5.ORDER_TIME_GTC} result = mt5.order_send(request) return result if sell and id_position!=None: request = { "position": id_position, "action": mt5.TRADE_ACTION_DEAL, "symbol": symbol, "volume": lot, "type": mt5.ORDER_TYPE_BUY, "price": mt5.symbol_info_tick(symbol).ask, "deviation": 10, "magic": magic, "comment": comment, "type_filling": filling_type, "type_time": mt5.ORDER_TIME_GTC} result = mt5.order_send(request) return result def resume(): """ Retorna as posições atuais. Posição=0 --> Compra """ # Define o nome das colunas que serão criadas colonnes = ["ticket", "position", "symbol", "volume", "magic", "profit", "price", "tp", "sl","trade_size"] # Pega as posições em aberto liste = mt5.positions_get() # Cria um dataframe vazio summary = pd.DataFrame() # Cria o loop para adicionar cada linha no dataframe for element in liste: element_pandas = pd.DataFrame([element.ticket, element.type, element.symbol, element.volume, element.magic, element.profit, element.price_open, element.tp, element.sl, mt5.symbol_info(element.symbol).trade_contract_size], index=colonnes).transpose() summary = pd.concat((summary, element_pandas), axis=0) try: summary["profit %"] = summary.profit / (summary.price * summary.trade_size * summary.volume) summary = summary.reset_index(drop=True) except: pass return summary def trailing_stop_loss(): # Extrai as posições abertas atuais MT5.summary = MT5.resume() # Verificaçã: Tem alguma posição em aberto? if MT5.summary.shape[0] >0: for i in range(MT5.summary.shape[0]): # Extrai as informação row = MT5.summary.iloc[i] symbol = row["symbol"] """ CASO 1: Altera dinâmicamente o stop loss para uma ORDEM DE COMPRA """ # Trailing stop loss para um posição de compra if row["position"] == 0: if symbol not in MT5.max_price.keys(): MT5.max_price[symbol]=row["price"] # Extrai o preço atual current_price = (mt5.symbol_info(symbol).ask + mt5.symbol_info(symbol).bid ) / 2 # Computa a distância entre o preço atual e preço máximo from_sl_to_curent_price = current_price - row["sl"] from_sl_to_max_price = MT5.max_price[symbol] - row["sl"] # Se o preço atual é maior que o preço máximo anterior --> novo preço máximo if current_price > MT5.max_price[symbol]: MT5.max_price[symbol] = current_price # Encontra a diferença entre a diferença do preço menor e máximo if from_sl_to_curent_price > from_sl_to_max_price: difference = from_sl_to_curent_price - from_sl_to_max_price # Seta filling mode filling_type = mt5.symbol_info(symbol).filling_mode # Seta o point point = mt5.symbol_info(symbol).point # Altera o sl request = { "action": mt5.TRADE_ACTION_SLTP, "symbol": symbol, "position": row["ticket"], "volume": row["volume"], "type": mt5.ORDER_TYPE_BUY, "price": row["price"], "sl": row["sl"] + difference, "type_filling": filling_type, "type_time": mt5.ORDER_TIME_GTC, } information = mt5.order_send(request) print(information) """ CASO 2: Altera dinâmicamente o stop loss para uma ORDEM DE VENDA """ # Trailing stop loss para uma ordem de venda if row["position"] == 1: if symbol not in MT5.min_price.keys(): MT5.min_price[symbol]=row["price"] # Extrai o preço atual current_price = (mt5.symbol_info(symbol).ask + mt5.symbol_info(symbol).bid ) / 2 # Computa a distância entre o preço atual e preço máximo from_sl_to_curent_price = row["sl"] - current_price from_sl_to_min_price = row["sl"] - MT5.min_price[symbol] # Se o preço atual é maior que o preço máximo anterior --> novo preço máximo if current_price < MT5.min_price[symbol]: MT5.min_price[symbol] = current_price # Encontra a diferença entre a diferença do preço menor e máximo if from_sl_to_curent_price > from_sl_to_min_price: difference = from_sl_to_curent_price - from_sl_to_min_price # Seta filling mode filling_type = mt5.symbol_info(symbol).filling_mode # Seta o point point = mt5.symbol_info(symbol).point # Altera o sl request = { "action": mt5.TRADE_ACTION_SLTP, "symbol": symbol, "position": row["ticket"], "volume": row["volume"], "type": mt5.ORDER_TYPE_SELL, "price": row["price"], "sl": row["sl"] - difference, "type_filling": filling_type, "type_time": mt5.ORDER_TIME_GTC, } information = mt5.order_send(request) print(information) def verif_tsl(): if len(MT5.summary)>0: buy_open_positions = MT5.summary.loc[MT5.summary["position"]==0]["symbol"] sell_open_positions = MT5.summary.loc[MT5.summary["position"]==0]["symbol"] else: buy_open_positions = [] sell_open_positions = [] """ SE FECHAR UMA DAS POSIÇÃO É NECESSÁRIO DELETAR O PREÇO NO DICIONÁRIO DE PREÇO MAX E MIN """ if len(MT5.max_price) != len(buy_open_positions) and len(buy_open_positions) >0: symbol_to_delete = [] for symbol in MT5.max_price.keys(): if symbol not in list(buy_open_positions): symbol_to_delete.append(symbol) for symbol in symbol_to_delete: del MT5.max_price[symbol] if len(MT5.min_price) != len(sell_open_positions) and len(sell_open_positions) >0: symbol_to_delete = [] for symbol in MT5.min_price.keys(): if symbol not in list(sell_open_positions): symbol_to_delete.append(symbol) for symbol in symbol_to_delete: del MT5.min_price[symbol] if len(buy_open_positions) == 0: MT5.max_price={} if len(sell_open_positions) == 0: MT5.min_price={} def run(symbol, buy, sell, lot, pct_tp=0.02, pct_sl=0.01, comment="", magic=23400): # Inicializa mt5.initialize() # Escolhe o símbolo print("------------------------------------------------------------------") print("Date: ", datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "\tSYMBOL:", symbol) # Inicializa ouvertures = MT5.resume() # Compra ou Vende print(f"BUY: {buy} \t SELL: {sell}") """ Fecha o trade eventualmente """ # Tipo de extração do preço try: position = ouvertures.loc[ouvertures["symbol"] == symbol].values[0][1] identifier = ouvertures.loc[ouvertures["symbol"] == symbol].values[0][0] except: position = None identifier = None if position!=None: print(f"POSITION: {position} \t ID: {identifier}") # Verifica os trades if buy == True and position == 0: buy = False elif buy == False and position == 0: before = mt5.account_info().balance res = MT5.send_order(symbol, lot, True, False, id_position=identifier,pct_tp=pct_tp, pct_sl=pct_sl, comment=" No specific comment", magic=0) after = mt5.account_info().balance print(f"CLOSE BUY POSITION: {res.comment}") pct = np.round(100*(after-before)/before, 3) if res.comment != "Request executed": print("WARNINGS", res.comment) elif sell == True and position == 1: sell = False elif sell == False and position == 1: before = mt5.account_info().balance res = MT5.send_order(symbol, lot, False, True, id_position=identifier,pct_tp=pct_tp, pct_sl=pct_sl, comment=" No specific comment", magic=0) print(f"CLOSE SELL POSITION: {res.comment}") after = mt5.account_info().balance pct = np.round(100*(after-before)/before, 3) if res.comment != "Request executed": print("WARNINGS", res.comment) else: pass """ Compra ou Vende """ if buy == True: res = MT5.send_order(symbol, lot, True, False, id_position=None,pct_tp=pct_tp, pct_sl=pct_sl, comment=" No specific comment", magic=0) print(f"OPEN BUY POSITION: {res.comment}") if res.comment != "Request executed": print("WARNINGS", res.comment) if sell == True: res = MT5.send_order(symbol, lot, False, True, id_position=None,pct_tp=pct_tp, pct_sl=pct_sl, comment=" No specific comment", magic=0) print(f"OPEN SELL POSITION: {res.comment}") if res.comment != "Request executed": print("WARNINGS", res.comment) print("------------------------------------------------------------------") <pre></pre> <pre>
</pre> # Importa as bibliotecas import talib as ta import time from datetime import datetime import numpy as np import pandas as pd from algo_mt5 import * import MetaTrader5 as mt5 mt5.initialize() # Define o indicador (rsi) def rsi(symbol): overbuy = 70 oversell = 30 neutral = 50 df = MT5.get_data(symbol, 3500).dropna() df["rsi"] = ta.RSI(df["close"], timeperiod=14) today = df["rsi"].iloc[-1] # Long buy signal buy = (today > neutral) & (today < overbuy) # Short selling signal sell = (today < neutral) & (today > oversell) return buy, sell # Define os ativos financeiros symbols_list = { "Petrobras": ["PETR4", 1]} # Constrói a mensagem current_account_info = mt5.account_info() print("------------------------------------------------------------------") print(f"Login: {mt5.account_info().login} \tserver: {mt5.account_info().server}") print(f"Date: {datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}") print(f"Balance: {current_account_info.balance} USD, \t Equity: {current_account_info.equity} USD, \t Profit: {current_account_info.profit} USD") print(f"Run time: {datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}") print("------------------------------------------------------------------") # Em qual dia e horário irá rodar o algortimo? launching = [[0, "00:15:59"], [0, "15:59:50"], [1, "15:59:50"], [2, "15:59:50"], [3, "15:59:50"], [4, "15:59:50"]] # Lança o algoritmo while True: # TSL MT5.trailing_stop_loss() MT5.verif_tsl() # Verficação para o lançamento current_time = [datetime.now().weekday(), datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S")] if current_time in launching: is_time = True else: is_time = False # is_time=True # Apenas para rodar o trading AGORA if is_time: # Abre os trades for asset in symbols_list.keys(): # Inicializa os inputs symbol = symbols_list[asset][0] lot = symbols_list[asset][1] selected = mt5.symbol_select(symbol) if not selected: print(f"\nERROR - Failed to select '{symbol}' in MetaTrader 5 with error :",mt5.last_error()) else: # Cria os sinais buy, sell = rsi(symbol) # Roda o algoritimo MT5.run(symbol, buy, sell, lot, pct_tp=0.1, pct_sl=0.05)
Quer saber mais?
Veja nosso curso de Python para Investimentos.
Inglese, Lucas. Python for Finance and Algorithmic trading (2nd edition): Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Time series Analysis, Risk and Portfolio Management for MetaTrader™5 Live Trading